Emotion Release Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do you release Trapped Emotions and other imbalances?
People are made of energy, and Trapped Emotions are made of energy. To release this emotional energy, from myself or others, I set aside my own personality, get into a calm and peaceful state and connect spirt to Spirit with our Maker. From that state, I connect to the energy field of the person on whom I am working. I ask for God's guidance and participation. Using techniques from the Emotion Code/Body Code, Trapped Emotions and other imbalances are identified and released from the body and energy field. The releasing is done at the subconscious level. God is your partner in this releasing.
2. Do you need my permission to do healing work on me?
Yes. An Emotion Code/Body Code practitioner will not work on any person without permission. For children, or for adults who are unable to respond themselves (such as a person in a coma), a parent or guardian gives their permission.
3. How many Trapped Emotions or imbalances are there usually in a body?
There is no way to tell ahead of time. Just as our fingerprints are unique, so are we as a whole, and depending on our history, there could be anywhere from a handful to many hundreds.
Research shows that the average adult has 350 trapped emotions.
4. Once Trapped Emotions are released, will they return?
No, but you can continue to trap emotions in the present. However, as you release old Trapped Emotions, you are less likely to get triggered by present circumstances, so you will be less likely to trap more. Dealing with present circumstances will become easier.
5. Can I feel Trapped Emotions leaving?
Possibly. Some people feel some tingling movements in their body. Others feel a calm or peacefulness settle over them, as though something that bothered them is now gone. It is not necessary to actually feel the emotions leave.
6. Will all the Trapped Emotions and other imbalances release at once?
No. Trapped Emotions and imbalances are released one at a time. Often, emotions are trapped in layers, and a particular emotion will have to be released before the underlying emotions or imbalances are. The body knows how many emotions and/or imbalances it wants to release in a single session.
7. After my Trapped Emotions are released, will I still be able to feel emotions?
We are emotional beings, and every day we experience a variety of emotions. The difference will be that you will feel the emotions you are experiencing in the present moment, and they will not be influenced or magnified by old negative Trapped Emotions. This means that positive emotions will flourish and negative emotions will become less intense.
8. Do you have to know all about my past in order to release my Trapped Emotions?
No. You may not even remember the incidents that caused you to trap some emotions, and you don’t have to remember. Your inner wisdom already knows all the details. If you do remember painful incidents, you do not have to share them with me, although many want to. The Trapped Emotions simply need to be identified and released. Once released, the negative emotional charge of the painful incident(s) will no longer be ruling your life.
9. How can you do healing work long-distance?
Energy is not limited by distance or time. At some level, we are all connected. It’s just a matter of connecting our energies. Results show that the healing is just as powerful done long-distance as it is in person, which is really great considering how busy life has become. With long-distance work, you don’t have to go somewhere else to have the healing.
10. How long will a session take?
That depends on how many Trapped Emotions or other imbalances can be released during that session. Usually the first session lasts 40-60 minutes with subsequent sessions taking 20 to 40 minutes.
11. How many sessions will be needed?
Once again, that depends on how many Trapped Emotions and other imbalances there are, and how many can be released at any one time. It has happened that only one session has been needed for positive changes to occur. Usually it takes more than one, sometimes many. To completely open yourself up to the abundant life available I recommend starting with one session a week for the first three months, reassess progress then graduate to every other week for three months.
12. Will I notice results immediately?
Sometimes the release of a Trapped Emotion or other imbalance will bring about an instantaneous and dramatic effect, but most of the time the effects are more gradual. Releasing Trapped Emotions or other imbalances always seem to bring a greater sense of contentment and peace. Most people report that they feel lighter, more peaceful and less anxious after a session. As time goes on, you will notice that you act differently in formerly stressful situations, or that your body feels “good.” Some people can’t see the changes in themselves, but they can see the changes in the way others react to them. They can also see that their life circumstances are changing for the better.
13. Do the emotional releases have a processing period?
Sometimes a release processes immediately, but usually it takes a few days, generally 4-5 days, but can take longer. Your subconscious decides how long it will take. Each person is different in how they release Trapped Emotions and other imbalances. During the processing you could experience some ups and downs while your body integrates the positive changes brought about by the release. Some people also experience vivid dreams. After you have processed the release, your body is then ready to have another session.
14. Can negative emotions or other imbalances be passed down from my parents?
Yes. An inherited emotion or imbalance is simply a bit of energy that is received from a parent at the moment of conception. It comes along with all the other DNA and physical material–in the egg if it’s from your mother and in the sperm if it’s from your father. Inherited emotions and imbalances can go back multiple generations. When inherited emotions are released, it often brings answers to questions you may have had about why you feel or act in a certain way “for no good reason.” There is more research and study being done in this area now. You can read about it. It is known as biogenetic decoding.
15. Are there other ways I can trap emotions?
You can sometimes “absorb” or "reverberate with" an emotion when someone else generates a strong emotion that affects you as a bystander. You can also absorb or reverberate emotions while in the womb.
16. Can you do this work on babies?
Yes. Many infants come into this world with a real shock, after having spent 9 months in a safe and protected place. That, along with inherited emotions and any other traumatic experiences, can be released at a young age, giving the child a better path to his/her present and future. Because the inner wisdom is always a partner in this work, there will always be positive results.
17. Can you work on pets and other animals?
Yes. Animals are actually easy to work on as they don’t seem to hold back their inner wisdom, and usually don’t have as many imbalances. Animals do though, often have traumatic emotional wounds that lead to phobias such as fear of storms or loud noises. Working to identify their trapped emotional trauma brings a deep satisfaction as their fears release, and they once again become trusting.
18. Does Western medicine have a place in this philosophy?
Yes. Western medicine has done amazing work, especially in the area of traumatic injury. It has also had great results with acute illnesses. The releasing of trapped emotions using the Emotion Code/Body Code System doesn’t cure disease. It brings the body/mind into balance by using a natural approach rather than a drug/surgery approach. The human body/mind has a powerful ability to heal itself when inner conditions are “right.” The Emotion Code/Body Code works by making these inner conditions “right” so the body can then heal itself, as it was meant to. Many traditional doctors are beginning to embrace alternative methods of healing, and use them to supplement their regular practice.